Pretty in Pink Scarf

My mad for pink friend, Shannon is turning 30-something and this is what she is getting for her birthday.
All pink, all the time.   This is called the “Yarn Party” Scarf which is a variation of the “Shape-It” Scarf by Sally Melville,  of which I have made several, and do I have one for myself?  No, and why is that?

Because everybody wants one of these babies!  Its a unique scarf in that it starts out like a triangle shaped shawl and ends up being a long cozy rectangle shape at each end.  You can wear it so many ways.  Like with the triangle shape in front, or back or on the head like a hood…its really versatile!

I went stash diving for the three different recommended types of yarns which are: a ribbon yarn, a shiny yarn and a fuzzy yarn.  It is definitely a good stash busting project.  I have had the CPY Party ribbon for a few years, it was a “one -er” that I bought in the half price bin and thought I would use “someday”.  Well, here it is folks, proof that “someday” eventually comes!

Yarns used : Crystal Palace Yarns Party (a ribbon yarn), Berrocco Glace( a shiny rayon yarn) , and Katia Danubio (a slightly fuzzy yarn).
Its all done now, except weaving in the ends. (I ran out of movies, made this while watching Jude Law and Julia Orman in two different but excellent WWII era movies.)   Hope she likes it.

Think Pink

(close up of old pink with new light pink swatch)

First it was painted pink, then it was painted another pink, now it is painted yet another shade of pink.

Because there is pink and then there is the just right pink.

(Some people are like Goldilocks when it comes to their pink, they want it just right!)

This is the “before” pink.

That swatch on the wall is the new can of pink and the final outcome is a mixture of them both by the Mixmaster, yours truly.  We are finally happy, its not too dark, not too white.  Its “Just Right”.

Orange and Pink ATC’s

Here’s one of my ATC projects I am working on this week.

The theme for this one is Orange & Pink.

Once again, I hit up my sister’s spare room for some additional supplies.  Sister’s like her are so handy to have around, I hope you have as great of a sibling as I do.

Even if they are as goofy as this one:D

Sarah’s Big Girl Room

I over dyed the material in tea bags to soften the bright tones down a bit.

My sister, Melissa, wants to redo Sarah’s room in these colors. Sarah, being five years old and entering grade school this fall, is a BIG GIRL now! And BIG GIRLS need there rooms done in Pinks, Oranges, and Greens.

And Did I Mention, PINK? Light pink, dark pink, bright pink, glitter pink, neon pink, rose pink, petal pink, really pink pink. You get the picture, right?

YOU KNOW who is going to ACTUALLY do the work, right? This fabric is going to be over-dyed with tea to soften it up a bit and give a more vintage-y feel. Then in will become a pillow bolster for Sarah’s bed. YOU KNOW who is going to ACTUALLY accomplish this feat, right?

Dress Up and Dancing Princess

In which we play with all of Aunt Becca’s shawls, scarves, hats, and gloves from the closet and dance around the living room.

and Sarah shows us her cutie butt once more.


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