
This is Madeline Tosh Lace yarn in the new for Fall 2012 colorway called Whiskers.

I didn’t buy because I’m “mad for tosh” or because its new.  I bought it because its called “Whiskers” and I am going to knit a really pretty scarf called “Rill”  by Miriam Felton  in honor of Dexter.

The Rill Scarf has a Chevron Lace panel running up the side, I am going to put in a Cat’s Paw lace panel instead.  When I (finally) wrap it around my neck, I will think of my furry friend with fondness and cuddle up to its warmth.

Thanks to all my friends who have listened, empathized and understood my pain this week.

Special thanks to those that understand our pets are not just a pet, but like wee fur-butted children with all the accompanying joy and sorrow. I deeply appreciate it.

About goodfruit

Just another crafty gal from the PNW. Baking, Cooking, Sewing, Handstitching, Spinning, Knitting, ATC's and Card Making, Uhmm...I won't bore you.

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