Rain drops keep falling on my leaves

Rain droplets on the new bush that Chris planted by his sliding glass door. He wanted to put bamboo there, and I said only if he wants to see his patio crack and his foundation messed up. Bamboo is a pernicious plant and the only way to deal with it is to not plant it at all.

My mom told me a story about when she was a newlywed living in a little old ladies downstairs apartment and one day something cracked the shower stall walls.  And the cracks grew and then something began creeping up through the cracks, a growing something.

So they call the little old landlady; the shower stall is inspected inside and out. It is bamboo!

Bamboo that has grown from the outside of the basement, under the foundation, around the plumbing, and into the shower stall. Creepy, huh? Maybe Stephen King could use it in one of his stories.

About goodfruit

Just another crafty gal from the PNW. Baking, Cooking, Sewing, Handstitching, Spinning, Knitting, ATC's and Card Making, Uhmm...I won't bore you.

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