
These almost don’t look real…hydrangeas, mopheads, whatever you call them are blooming like mad outside Jeff’s basement windows. They hate to be outdone by the roses. “We’ll show them, look at all our petals!”

You can see why they are called Mopheads, with this great big mop of blooms all clustered together.

How lovely to look out the window and see a great big row of these.

I often cut myself a bundle and hang them to dry and set them in a vase somewhere about the house, until next years blooms.

Mad about Roses

Took the camera to Jeff & Vi’s today, the roses are blooming like mad!

Here’s the trellis out back. Just covered with blooms!

Jeff and Scooter relax in the shade of the birch trees.

Vi is still working on her baby log cabin blanket.


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